Working from DIA/PROJECTS and DIA/STUDIO in Ho Chi Minh City, artist Richard Streitmatter-Tran will commence a two year project. The two year project will involve the development and transformation of two areas of work. The first being a series of sculptures and installations investigating the body, the history of sculpture, the figurative and materials/materiality. The second work will be the physical and mineral transformation of the body of the artist. I am particularly interested the learning curve that will involve organic and inorganic chemistry, acids and patinas, burning points and temperatures, stress and tension, slowness, duration/endurance. All processes will be documented and there will be no banned performance enhancing substances.
At the completion of the project, my knowledge of human anatomy through drawing and sculpture had improved immensely, and I had also taken a figurative sculpture course with the Rome Art Workshops. I had largely cut out sugar drinks and products from my diet and significantly reduced eating meat (beef and pork especially).
The project began on August 5, 2012 and continued for over two years. To what extent can you change after 40?
Material Mineral Project
A two-year art investigation and performance
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam