
I've always been a bit conflicted about John McCain. On one hand, I can identify with him as US military veteran .Yet equally offended as being, in his words, reduced unapologetically as a gook. In 2000, when McCain was on the presidential campaign trail he used this racial slur, and I painted his portrait as an art student. Here's an artwork that hasn't been seen/shared in nearly 20 years.
The man now seen as standing up to the populism of Trump was also one that voted against Martin Luther King Jr. being named a national holiday. In another article I read today, he's said he now felt sorry about that, but that's akin to the risk of saying that you're against slavery today. It's what your position was when it mattered. And yeah, I bleached and dyed my hair in those days of youth..


Gook (2000)
Acrylic on Canvas
100 x 60 cm (?)

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