
Frag, curated by Mobius Artists Group director, Jed Speare, for the Evos Arts Gallery in Lowell, Massachusetts. 

Exhibition artists: Karl Viksnins,Yar Laakso, Jason Agee, Ahmed Abdalla, Matthew Briggs, Alen Floricic, Amber Frid-Jimenez, A. M .Lilly, Adaleta Maslo-Krkovic, Moleleki F. Ledimo, Sam Van Aken, Chantal Zakari & Mike Mandel, Hiroko Kikuchi, R. Streitmatter-Tran

I debuted my installation, The Year of the Rat: 1972



Evos Arts, Lowell, Massachusetts
May 10 - 31, 2003
Curated by Jed Speare of the Mobius Group

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